Sunday, May 19, 2013

Prom Refashioned/Then and Now

Hi All!

Just a friendly reminder to switch over to my new site:  in a few weeks or so I will stop sending out posts from this site.  I just want to give all of you busy people a chance to move over with me.

This week I want to talk about prom.  My how times have changed since I was  a teen!  "Back in the day,"  the guy said, "do you want to go to prom with me?"  This was followed by dress buying, maybe a salon hairdo if you were lucky, and no one I knew ever got their nails done back then.  Your date knocked on the door,  followed by pictures in the family living room, and you drove off in your date's family vehicle.  That was my experience.  I had a great time in my simple little floral cotton print dress with puffy sleeves, platform shoes, (you can't see them) and a borrowed bag from my mother.

Below are two of my nostalgic pictures.  I have blurred my date's face to save him any embarrassment by being seen in the "Brady Bunch" prom fashions LOL!
Please forgive the picture quality.  These came from faded Kodak photos.  No digital cameras back then!

              Do we look uncomfortable or what?  What inspired this prom nostalgia you ask?

                  Well from time to time I take on alterations to earn a little extra "mad money."
                                    I happened to take on this little number by Sherri Hill.

As you can see,  these days prom dresses are all about the bling and many look ready for the "Red Carpet."  Prom invitations are now total extravaganzas.  The biggest and most clever invitation wins. Prom goers have salon hair, nails, make-up, and are transported in party buses or chauffeured limos.

There were four layers of dress to hem here.  The last was a bias cut chiffon that needed to be meticulously hand basted and rolled before sewing.  The bottom line on this alteration was it was hard, painstaking, and made me sweat plenty!  Happy to do it for my friend, but bias cut chiffon, arrghhhh!  Never again...LOL!

I have big things coming up!

Stay tuned...


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