Sunday, April 28, 2013

This Thrift Store Find Needs No Refashion!

Hi Everyone!

    One of the best things about thrift shopping and refashioning is that I can afford to take fashion risks and choose things I wouldn't even look at ordinarily.  Typically,  I would choose my wardrobe based strictly on need for the basics.  Don't most of us do that?  We put ourselves on the back burner because the car needs tires,  the kids need this and know how it goes! 

     However,  when you only have to pay such a small amount for something you like, you can afford to take a risk.  This blouse was one such purchase.  I would never have picked this out before thrift shops.  I would have chosen something much more sensible, probably a basic T-shirt.  I only paid $3.00 for this one and I received so many compliments.  Once again, the tags were still on  it!

The stripe is totally denim friendly, the fabric is comfortable,  and I can move easily around the house and the classroom.    This one even helped me with a lesson on adjectives. We made a list of adjectives to describe my blouse.   Love that kid who came up with "winged!"  What's not to like?  Worth the risk?  I think so.  No refashion required on this one!

Remember!  Just reminding you that big changes are coming!

Thrifty Chic will be getting a new look and a new address.  I will give you plenty of warning and advance notice so you can follow me and my refashion adventures.  I'll keep you posted as the time grows closer.

'Til Next Time...

Happy Refashion and thrifting

 adventures to you all!



Sabrina said...

Very cute! I usually avoid horizontal stripes because of their "widening" effect but either you're very slim or the wings are very slimming. Whichever the case, it looks great. I may have to incorporate that idea into a refashion. Do they extend down the back in the same way as the front?

Unknown said...

Hi Sabrina!

Thank you so much. Yes, the wings are kind of slimming. They direct your eyes in the vertical direction and cut short the horizontal "curse" of the stripes. Yes, they extend down the back the same way as the front.:) Have a wonderful day!
