Saturday, February 9, 2013

One 90's jean jacket +thrift shop collar =Refashioned Jacket

Hi everyone!

The finished project!

A close up!
Meet my new favorite jean jacket.  It started with and old mandarin collar  jacket from the late 90's that had very little shape.  I have been holding on to it for a long time hoping the right chance would come along to make it new.  I think I found the right mix.  Here is the finished project.  Then,  I'll show you how I got there.

Take off the collar from here

Add it here!

As the picture states, all I did was add the collar.  My second step was to  take in the sides, under the armholes, and slightly slim the upper sleeve.  From there I was done!

I am not done with the tapestry jacket.  I have plans to use it for several other projects!  More on the way...HAPPY SEWING and REFASHIONING!



Mandy Jean said...

So cute!! I love this!!! I am just getting into refashioning and its actually addicting!

Take Care,
Mandy Jean

Unknown said...

Thank you Mandy! It is addicting isn't it? I am actually looking forward to the point where the majority of my looks are made or remade. Have a great day!


Mary Peterson said...

Hi Brian,

Thanks for stopping by and subscribing. I have more posts coming up (I am on vacation) Have a wonderful day.
